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Writer's picturePatty

5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Knowledge

Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Self-knowledge is fundamental for our happiness and to make positive decisions in our lives. Getting to know yourself better is also a way to maintain mental well-being, as it helps us to have more conscious answers to various problems. When we know ourselves deeply, we know what we want and who we are, in addition to our capabilities, strengths and limitations. That way, it's easy to understand what's best for us.


The exercise of rethinking moments in your history allows you to ask yourself why some choices are made. These answers can help you understand your current interests, habits, relationships, and preferences. Reflection on one's own life is the basis of self-knowledge.

Try new things

Look for new experiences and observe yourself, how you feel. It can be simple things like cooking food you've never cooked, extending your time and dealing with a hobby you already have, learning something different, starting an online course.


Reading is another alternative to search for guidance in self-knowledge. There are several books available asking questions about our attitudes and limitations. Reading about other people's experiences can make us identify with a character, and question ourselves, our attitudes and reactions to a situation and the emotion that blooms when reading about a subject that interests you.


At what times of the day do you have the most energy? What types of activities give you the most pleasure? Why does it happen? What foods give you bad digestion? When do you feel the hungriest? Answering these questions can help you better organize your day, activities, and meals so that you have more pleasure and more energy when you do them.

Virtues and flaws

Listing your main characteristics can be an interesting way to visualize who you are. First, define in great detail what your qualities are. Then list your faults. This moment can be one of great discovery. Recognizing your shortcomings is the first step in real behaviour change.

The journey of self-knowledge is an ongoing process. Therefore, reflections and tools that help in this process can and should be used whenever you need it.

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